SeminarSeminar information

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh

Soft Skills
Fresher / Leader
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Tue, 18/02Exploring Ikigai in the career path09:00-17:001,200,000
Tue, 04/03Change management09:00-17:001,200,000
Tue, 25/03Embracing Omotenashi in customer success to enhance customer experience and employee responsibility09:00-11:301,000,000
Thu, 10/04What to do when an employee stops trying to grow09:00-17:001,200,000
Tue, 20/05Managing team conflict in the workplace09:00-17:001,200,000
Fri, 06/06Taking Ownership at work09:00-17:001,200,000
Thu, 12/06Sharing experiences on how to manage employees in a teamwork environment09:00-12:001,000,000
Tue & Wed, 24-25/06Leadership development and Management skills in Japanese companies08:30-17:005,000,000
Tax – Accounting
Tax – Accounting Staff
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Tue, 07/01PIT Finalization 202409:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 09/01Situation and trend of tax inspection09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 15/01Instructions for filling out transfer pricing form14:00-16:301,000,000
Fri, 21/02VAT Refund09:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 03/04FCT: regulation, registration and declaration09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 16/04Notes on taxes for FDI enterprises09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 23/04Tax risk management09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 14/05Sharing experience on working with tax inspector09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 28/05Tax on benefits for employees09:00-12:001,000,000
Tue, 03/06Transfer pricing audit challenges14:00-16:301,000,000
Wed, 18/06CIT incentives for businesses in industrial zones09:00-12:001,000,000
Fri, 27/06Tax Forum in the first 6 months 202509:30-11:301,000,000
Labor – HR Management
HR – Administrative Staff
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Thu, 27/03Some notable notes on key reports of FDI company09:00-12:001,000,000
Fri, 18/04What to do when an employee quits without giving notice10:00-11:00700,000
Thu, 22/05Key considerations in employee transfers10:00-11:00700,000
Wed, 11/06Differences between severance allowance & unemployment allowance10:00-11:00700,000
Fri, 20/06Labor Forum in the first 6 months 202509:00-12:001,000,000
Corporate governance
Staff of all levels
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Thu, 13/02Data security & anti-hacking for office worker09:30-11:301,000,000
Thu, 27/02Practise in Business Cashflow management09:30-11:301,000,000
Tue, 18/03Optimizing the efficiency of utilization and management of idle funds in enterprises09:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 20/03The effectiveness of business operations from the perspective of inventory management09:00-12:001,000,000

(*) Note:
・The detailed information of each seminar, including register link will be monthly sent by email.
・The fee is excluded value added tax (VAT).
・Up to 2 free slots of each topic will be given to client who has signed Business Support Contract with I-Glocal.
・The schedule, the method of conducting seminar can be changed depending on the actual conditions.
・Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us via:
 Tel: 028-3827-8096

Ha Noi

Ha Noi

Soft skills - Personal Development (Vietnamese)
Participant: Fresher / Manager
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Tue) 21/01Client claim shooting13:30 - 17:001,200,000
(Thu) 20/02How to prepare well for a meeting13:30 - 17:001,200,000
(Wed) 19/03HORENSO SKILLS09:00 - 16:302,000,000
(Thu~Fri) 24~25/04Leadership development and management skills in Japanese companies08:30 - 16:305,000,000
(Wed) 21/05Professional text presentation skills13:30 - 17:001,200,000
Tax and Accounting operations (Vietnamese)
Participant: Tax - Accounting employees
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Web) 15/01Instructions for declaring Appendix to the Related Transaction Declaration Form14:00 - 16:301,000,000
(Fri) 18/04How does the information on a company's Investment Registration Certificate affect accounting treatment and tax treatment?13:00 - 16:001,000,000
(Fri) 23/05Update on VAT Refund Issues13:00 - 16:001,000,000
(Thu) 27/05Update on Global Minimum Tax13:00 - 16:001,000,000
(Tue) 03/06Common transfer pricing audit issues14:00 - 17:001,000,000
Administration - Human Resources - Labor (Vietnamese)
Participant: HR – Administrative Staff
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Fri) 14/03Notes when applying the Personal Data Protection Decree09:30 - 12:001,000,000
(Fri) 11/04Notes when performing obligation to report investment and labor periodically09:30 - 11:301,000,000
(Thu) 15/05Points to note when hiring foreign workers09:30 - 12:001,000,000
(Thu) 13/06Issues that often arise in Disputes between employers and employees09:00 - 12:002,000,000
(Fri) 20/06Labor forum09:00 - 12:001,000,000
Corporate governance (Vietnamese)
Participant: Staff of all levels
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Thu) 27/02Practise in Business Cashflow management09:30 - 11:301,000,000
(Thu) 20/03 Operational Efficiency of Business from an inventory management perspective.09:00 - 12:001,000,000
Investment & Business
Participant: Staff of all levels
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Tue) 25/02Increase-Decrease capital, Transfer capital in Limited Liability Company.09:30 - 11:301,000,000

(*) Note:
・The detailed information of each seminar, including register link will be monthly sent by email.
・The fee is excluded value added tax (VAT).
・Up to 2 free slots of each topic will be given to client who has signed Business Support Contract with I-Glocal.
・The schedule, the method of conducting seminar can be changed depending on the actual conditions.
・Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us via:
 Tel: 024-2220-0334