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[Labor] Notice of Substitute Holidays for Consecutive Holidays on April 30 and May 1


The Ministry of Labor, Sickness and Social Welfare issued Official Letter No. 1570/TB-BLDTBXH dated April 12, 2024, providing details regarding the substitution holiday for the April 30 and May 1 holidays.

1. Officials, civil servants, employees of state administrative agencies and public service departments (“civil servants”) shall have Monday, April 29, 2024 as a substitution holiday and Saturday, May 4, 2024 as a substitution work day. Thus, for the public holidays in April and May, Civil Servants will have five consecutive holidays from Saturday, April 27, 2024 to Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

2. The Ministry of Labor, Sick and Sick Veterans and Social Welfare “encourages” the application of the same exchange of working days to workers in general enterprises as to civil servants. However, since this is merely an encouragement, companies are free to choose whether or not to actually apply it.

Companies need to check their work schedules and business plans during vacations, determine their vacation schedules, and notify their employees of the policy as soon as possible.

Official Letter No. 2450/VPCP-KGVX dated April 12, 2024
Official Letter No. 1570/TB-BLDTBXH dated April 12, 2024