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[Labor] Draft amendments to the Health Insurance Law, modifications and additions to those eligible for compulsory health insurance.


The Ministry of Health is coordinating with ministries and agencies to submit to the National Assembly a draft amendment law that amends and supplements some of the provisions of the Health Insurance Law (the “Current Law”). The revised law is scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2025. The main revisions include the modification and addition of persons eligible for compulsory health insurance coverage. The eligibility for enrollment under Article 1.5 of the Draft Amended Law has been amended and supplemented as follows, and employers should confirm the exact contents.

No. Existing law Draft Revised Law
1 Working under an indefinite labor contract or a fixed-term labor contract of “more than 3 months” The employee works under an indefinite labor contract or a fixed-term labor contract of “one month or longer”. (Even if the contract is concluded under a name different from a labor contract, such as a subcontract contract, it is included if its nature is regarded as a labor contract in substance (e.g., if the employee earns wages under the employer’s management).
2 Not covered Foreign workers who work in Vietnam, have a fixed-term labor contract of at least 12 months with a Vietnamese employer, and are covered by social insurance. (Exceptions apply, such as in the case of internal transfers)
3 Not covered Part-time workers who meet the following conditions are eligible for social insurance coverage
・The monthly salary is equal to or more than the minimum amount required for the calculation of social insurance premiums.
・The monthly salary is equal to or higher than the lower limit of the social insurance premium calculation standard.

The above amendments have been modified to be consistent with the groups eligible for social insurance coverage as defined in the 2024 Social Insurance Law (effective January 1, 2025), which is expected to be developed to increase tax revenue and unify regulatory content.
Since the draft is still in the revision stage, we will share new information again in this newsletter as it becomes available.


Reference: Draft Law Amending and Supplementing Certain Provisions of the Health Insurance Law (2nd)